January 24th


FeluccaAnother Piece of Truth is Found!   

Submitted by Tempest of Skye :


I would tell you of our quest for the 2nd piece of the Sword called Truth. After much time and effort Korin and Tryton had finally translated the next portion of the 4th section of the Book of Truth. It pointed to the tomb of an ancient hero that lay buried somewhere on the land that the Orc Fort near Paxlair.

So when we gathered on Saturday night we knew that it was to the Orc Fort we had to go. And we also knew that the orcs would not allow us to dig around their fort without getting very angry. I had hoped to avoid battle but our group was set upon by the orcs as soon as we entered the fort. A short and fierce battle took place. In the end the orcs were defeated and driven from their home for a short time.

Tryton and Misterie, after a short conversation, began to dig in the treasure room of the orcs. For they felt it to be the place where the tomb lay. And not much time passed before they were proved right. Bones were found along with a book and the piece of Truth we had come in search of. But what was most strange was the contents of the book.

It had been written by one Soldan, a member of the Legion of Truth. He spoke of his friend One-Eyed Traguk and how this orc had shown more virtue than many of the humans he knew. When Traguk fell in battle to the vampires who were destroying the LoT, Soldan placed the piece of the blade that had been given to his care into the tomb with his friend's body. Knowing that orcs are immune to the curse that is vampirism. And so thus did it lay until our group removed it.

But this brings one thing of note. If the book left with the body of Traguk is to be believed then the Orcs and Humans in the area of Paxlair were once allies and friends. Fighting against a common foe. For although they do prefer humans those who drink of blood will take an orc as well if the need is there.

What impact the past, as shown in this book, will have on the relationship of orcs and humans now is yet to be seen. But I believe that if what Korin has foreseen is to come to pass we will need ALL the aid we can get to hold back the tides of evil coming. For rest assured everyone it is coming. And it will be as a flood never before seen in the lands.

Prepare yourselves for it. We must obtain one more piece of the holy sword before it can be re-forged. We now hold the Hilt and Crossguards, only the Blade remains to be found. I have spoken with Korin and he is near to discovering where the members of the Legion hid it. It must be found and the blade restored if we are to have a chance against the evil that is coming. I speak to you now as a member of the ancient order that guarded the lake and it's secrets. All of you will be needed if Britannia is to survive to see a new age. Farewell for now.......*bows*

Tempest of Skye

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